Autumn Light in Sainte-Chapelle
I made a couple of stops on a day off in Paris after performing an exhilarating duo set with violist Frantz Loriot. Autumn light here on the floor of Sainte-Chapelle and No. 12 Rue de l'Odéon - where Sylvia Beach ran the famed bookstore Shakespeare & Company, and where she first published James Joyce's Ulysses. Across the street at No.7 was Adrienne Monnier's bookstore La Maison des Amis des Livres. So much history from 1920's Paris to absorb on this street. Now off to some shows in Zürich, Basel and Lucerne with Frantz and saxophonist Christian Kobi.
The plaque reads: En 1922 dans cette maison M.elle Sylvia Beach publia "Ulysses" de James Joyce